Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Autumn Decorations

Along with Autumn cuisine I also enjoy decorating for the season. Now I don't mean paper turkeys in every corner of the house. I like to spice my apartment up with a couple Autumn scented candles. I have one called "Spiced Cider" from Bath and Body Works in my bedroom currently. But my ultimate favorite is "Autumn Wreath" from Yankee Candle. I don't own it, my parents do. I absolutely love that sent.  Unfortunately there's no Yankee Candle store near where I live and I don't like the buy things on the internet.

Another way to decorate your home for Autumn is to put a nice fall leaves wreath on your door. It makes your home seems more inviting to guests.  Another idea I saw in Better Homes and Gardens magazine was to integrate fresh apples with autumn bouquet. Once Halloween and Thanksgiving rolls around I would lay off stuffing your place with pumpkins and turkeys it would look too over done. Maybe include a pumpkin in your center pice of you really want one.

Have fun decorating your place for the Autumn season but don't go crazy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Cuisine

It's that time of year again in Michigan when the crisp air sweeps in and the streets turn into an array of orange, yellow and red. This is also the time with cold weather food favorites come out. I personally love this time of year because my family's recipes come back. Nothing tastes better then a warm home cook meal on a cold autumn night. The three recipes I look forward to are home-made chicken noodle soup, pot pie with noodles from scratch and a polish sausage and sauerkraut dish. 

Perhaps the easiest one to make is the Polish sausage and sauerkraut dish. It's a great meal to have when there's not a lot of time to cook. There's only a few ingredients to this simple dish.

Two Links oF Polish Sausage
Jar of Sauerkraut
Cream of Mushroom Soup
(Optional cut up apples)

Then you take a large casserole dish and combine the cream of mushroom soup and sauerkraut together. The you cut up the sausage and lay is on top. If you choose to do the apple you can lay them on top or mix them together with the soup and sauerkraut.

Heat oven to 350 degrees, cook for 30 minutes. Serves three people with left overs. It's different then what you may be used to but it's yummy and I hope you enjoy it. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Ok so obviously I haven't posted in a long time. A few new things have happened to me since my last post.  I've been at my new job a the bank for six months now. I'm doing really well and I enjoy working in finance. I had a Summer sublet in downtown A2 which was great. Now I'm living in an apartment in the next town over. I'm living with a good friend of mine from college.

I dated a guy for a few months but it didn't work out. Which sucks but I'm moving on. I'm continuing my dream of moving to NYC next Fall. There's a lots of the same bank that I work at up there so transferring won't be much of a problem. I'm super excited about that. I've wanted to move to NYC for the last nine years.

I started a new blog today. It's totally different from this one. It's called It's about my exploration of A2 restaurants and reviews of them. I'll be reviewing restaurants if I'm in other cities too. I'm gonna use that to try and jump start a freelance career we'll see how well that goes.

I'll be updating more often now. I might still do make-up reviews but it'll mostly just be about my life and what's going on. So in short I'm back.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grandpa's 90th Birthday

Last week I went with my parents to my Grandparents for  my Grandpa's 90th birthday. It was a lot of fun. I always enjoy seeing them.  We has a yummy ham dinner and a homemade cake that Mom and I did. We got to look at Grandpa's senior yearbook which was really cool. Grandma's starting to loose her short-term memory which is really frustrating to her. She'd forgotten where she hid Grandpa's birthday present so I had to look for it. I was successful and Grandpa liked his presents. It was weird to hear Grandpa talk about how he knew that he was "dying" and that we shouldn't act like  nothing can a happen. That was sad because one of my biggest fears is loosing him. I really want him to be alive to see me get married. I guess that's one of the reasons I want to get my life together so he can be there when it happens. I did think it was funny that he's gonna write his own obituary. He could lie about a lot of this life because there's no one that's still alive to say different. I cherish every time I get to see them because I never know when it will be my last time. I love you Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm on Twitter (again)

After failing to use Twitter appropriately last year I re-joined. I actually never deleted my last account because I couldn't figure out how and now that I have I can't remember my old password. What can I say sometimes I'm stupid. Anyway I'm under a new username TinyQueenB. One of the main reasons I stopped  using Twitter before was because I couldn't access it from my old ugly POS phone. But now that I have my fabulous EnV3 I can Tweet whenever the hell I fell like it. I love Twitter it's like legalized stalking sort of. Most of the people/organizations I'm following don't know who the hell I am but that's ok. This is probably the most anyone has used the word Twitter in a blog and I need to go to bed. So good night everyone and I hope you sleep well.

Spoke Too Soon

Well I was raving about this mascara that I'd gotten for Christmas and well it's not working out very well now. It's not that I don't like it, but I think I got a messed-up one. First it doesn't come out jet black like I thought it would. I asked the lady at the M.A.C counter why this was and she told me that it was because it was dirty since I was using it over eye-shadow. So I went home and I wiped it off with Kleenex and it made it worse. Not only is it still not darker it seems to have really dried out. I can barely get any on my lid when I press down. I don't want to give up on it because it was a gift and I'd feel bad but I also want it to work properly. I think I'm gonna have to go back to M.A.C with the mascara and show them the problem maybe I can exchange it for something else. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Monday, January 18, 2010

M.A.C Eyeliner

I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything, but I've been crazy busy with the holidays. Anyway for Christmas I asked for an eyeliner from M.A.C that I had tested at the store. I am eyeliner challenged especially for the top line and I wanted to find an eyeliner that I could actually put on my eye without stabbing myself or looking like a gothic person. So I went to M.A.C and told them about my problem and they suggested the Penultimate Eyeliner and Rapid Black. The eyeliner is constructed like a pen which makes it easier to hold and the tip isn't as flimsy. It took me a bit but I can now put on eyeliner in one sweep and it looks great. Not too thick and it complements my mascara really well. I recommend this eyeliner for people who have a hard time putting eyeliner on it works great.